Cargo Charter

Cargo Charter Tampa

About Cargo Charter Tampa, FL

Private Jet Tampa moves cargo fast. In fact, very fast! We respond to the needs of time-sensitive cargo plane charter requests, such as flying COVID Test Kits, PPEs, and medical supplies to and from destinations worldwide.

We are committed to solving the global challenges we face and our clients’ immediate logistic needs. As a reputable name in charter jet freight, there’s no cargo that we can’t transport across continents.

We have the fleet capability and back-up support from our team of highly-trained professional air charter personnel, both in air and on the ground, to transport your cargo to any location.

With years of cargo transport, Private Jet Tampa is exceptionally well-placed to service any industry requirement. Charter Jet Tampa can secure for you a private jet that is best qualified to carry any item, including:

  • Cargo and freight flights, including relief and humanitarian intended goods and services
  • Response to every clientele’s urgent and time-sensitive cargo transportation needs
  • Further supplements and reliefs air support for existing freight services
  • Local, national and international freight destination services
  • International freight and cargo transport
  • Air courier services
  • Bulky, secure and hazardous freight
  • General Cargo
  • Consumer and retail goods
  • Equipment and Machinery
  • Other high-value goods that require specific handling and management

We recognize how vital your deliverable goods are to you and how you want to fast-track their transport. That’s why, at Private Jet Tampa, we hold to our commitment to prioritizing the safety and speedy transportation of your goods!

Your Cargo Charter Service In Tampa, FL

Business owners who want to ship goods or those wanting to carry heavy equipment as they travel might need a means of transporting a high volume of goods from one place to another. Traveling on the road, placing everything in a truck delivery service may not be an option for some.

The hours of traveling on the road could pose risks to some of your items’ safety and quality. Road accidents have been expected, and these are circumstances that no one can control. This is also crucial for the transportation of perishable goods, especially in the food industry.

More travel time for these types of goods means more probability of deterioration or, worse, spoilage. The transportation for all kinds of goods requires strict examination by experts on whether they can be transported through the air.

The flight’s safety and security and those aboard the plane could be best assured by determining whether these goods are hazardous or not. At first glance, some of the items being bought at a high volume inside the plane are specific things needed for day to day lives.

However, there is a necessity for experts in determining and handling these types of goods. Private Jet Charter Tampa’s Cargo Jet Charter services provide flying solutions to our clients seeking to move high volume of goods, from dangerous or hazardous goods, perishable goods, and large equipment for faster and more efficient movement. We recognize the importance of professionally handling and storing merchandise or products. Air cargo transportation is the way to move and travel at a lesser time.

Why A Private Cargo Jet Charter?

Indeed, there is peace of mind when your goods are transported exclusively. It feels like everything is in your own hands. You can be assured of its safety and security. It is not placed or combined with the goods of others. It is your goods in an exclusive plane being transported efficiently.

But that does not end there. We are a solution-oriented cargo charter, and we provide superb customer service. With years of experience in handling different kinds of merchandise, we are equipped with the right tools and operated by professional staff to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

From the storage of goods to carefully transfer it to an aircraft to your preferred destination, everything will be accounted for, and you will be informed. We will take into consideration your preferences as we handle your cargo for you.

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